I.D.PLAST a company specialized in manufacturing plastic tiles has developped a unique concept of Basketball surface covering : DALL’BALL®. For both indoor and outdoor use, DALL’BALL® consists of officially approved «FFBB» thermoplastic surface and game line tiles that are clipped any together to form a Basketball court of the required size.

Teaching Process
Teaching children Basketball requires appropriate equipment : the size of the court, the height of the rim and the size of the ball.
The use of DALL’BALL® surface covering in different colours allows the child to :
• Learn more easily and with more fun as children are very sensitive to colours
• Get a better overall view of the court
• Get a better view of the different areas
Available in different sizes, DALL’BALL® playing surfaces provide enjoyment and comfort to Basketball players and learners of any age.

Modular Structure
Besides its many advantages, DALL’BALL® offers a wide range of playing surfaces, from private courts to professional sports clubs.
The DALL’BALL® range includes several sizes ranging from the standard adult court 32 x 19 meters, to the mini surface 13 x 13 meters.
DALL’BALL® is also available as a portable kit, ideal for exhibitions or different events as it can be easily and quickly dismantled.

Technical Details
DALL’BALL surface covering is made up of modular tiles and game lines, secured together with patented clips.
The tiles are made of injection moulded thermoplastic material, they are durable, self-draining, distortion proof and recyclable.The semi-cercle is a special line marking.
Technical Data
All colours UV resistant
Tile thickness : 1,5 cm
Material : Pure polypropylene recyclable, UV stability
All colours are officially approved by FFBB (Standard FFBB colours). Other colours available on request.
DALL’BALL® is the real answer to any needs for resurfacing your used BASKETBall courts.
DALL’BALL® can easily be placed on top of your existing BasketBALL court. It is a cost saving investment.

Physical properties in conformitywith norm XP P90-110 LABOSPORT